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desh ragathil oru jeevitham

my documentary


  1. I am Shruty Sikhamani from Kuthiravattom, Kozhikode. With the limited resources that might had been available,i think that this documentary film has shown respectable justice to the unsung hero Abdul Kader was. As part of developing a website for the prestigious Desaposhini library, i am doing a small study on the library's great role in the theater movement in Malabar. In the process of this, i was flipping through the pages of history ; of the likes of masters including Thikkodiyan, Kunjhandy, Kozhikode Komalam, Kozhikode Bhaskaran, Balan K Nair, Vasu Pradeep, Kozhikode Shantha and Abdul Kader. Pleasure watching your docufiction !


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